“Moving money forward“ Money Forward

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  • Handling of Personal Information
    [Name of business operator]
    Money Forward, Inc.
    [Position of the personal information protection manager]
    CISO (Chief Information Security Officer)
    [Point of contact for inquiries]
    21F, msb Tamachi Tamachi Station Tower S, 3-1-21 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0023 https://moneyforward.com/feedback/new
    [Personal information obtained when receiving inquiries, opinions or other communications]
    To respond to various inquiries
    The Company may outsource all or a portion of the handling of personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
    [Voluntariness of providing personal information]
    While provision of personal information is voluntary, the Company may not adequately be able to serve the individual in cases where necessary personal information is not provided.
    [Obtaining personal information through means in which identifying the individual is difficult]
    The Company or third parties may use technology such as cookies or Web beacons for the purpose of improving the website’s usability, obtaining statistical information such as access statuses, or measuring advertising effects. The Company also collects IP addresses to manage the Site. In both cases, the Company shall only use such information for the purpose of appropriately and securely managing and operating services on the Site, and shall not obtain personal information that customers have not entered themselves.

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