“Moving money forward“ Money Forward

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Money Forward Releases Integrated Report “Forward Map 2024”

Money Forward, Inc. issued its integrated report titled “Forward Map 2024” today targeting all stakeholders.

“Forward Map 2024”
Japanese version: https://corp.moneyforward.com/ir/library/integration/
English version: https://corp.moneyforward.com/en/news/investorrelations/?category=integrated

Since our founding, we have embraced our mission “Money Forward. Move your life forward.” and aspired to eliminate financial issues and concerns from the world to create a society that drives the challenges of every individual through our services and businesses. To convey the Group’s initiatives, we have been publishing “Forward Map” every year since 2021 while updating its contents based on the feedback from our stakeholders.
We also applied major updates in “Forward Map 2024,” released today. Based on the editorial policy described below, we distinguished between our Mission, Vision, Values, and Culture under our “value creation model” and structured the report’s storyline around this model as well. In addition, we revamped the report’s design and layout to make it more accessible and reader-friendly.

■ Editorial Policy of “Forward Map 2024”
We collected key facts of previously disclosed financial and non-financial information, as well as qualitative information such as Values and Culture that could not be fully contained in quantitative information, together with the aspirations of each member of the Money Forward Group and put together “Forward Map 2024” to give all stakeholders a better idea of the “past” that the Group has created and the “future” that it intends to pave.

We hope that “Forward Map 2024” will provide an opportunity for our stakeholders to understand the Group better, and that by joining forces, we can chart a path toward a society where all individuals can take on new challenges.

■ About Money Forward, Inc.
Name: Money Forward, Inc.
Location: 21F Tamachi Station Tower S, 3-1-21 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0023
Representative: Yosuke Tsuji, Representative Director, President and CEO
Establishment: May 2012
Businesses: Development and provision of PFM and cloud services
Main Services:
Money Forward ME, a service to visualize personal finance https://moneyforward.com/me
Money Forward Cloud, SaaS platform for back-office operations https://biz.moneyforward.com/

* All company names and product/service names (including logos) are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

For further information, please contact
Public Relations: pr@moneyforward.co.jp

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